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您现在的位置:台湾演艺人才网 > 台湾最新招聘信息 > 机械/设备/重工 > 赫斯基注塑系统(上海)有限公司详情
  • 成立时间2009 年
  • 所属行业机械/设备/重工
  • 企业性质外资(欧美)
  • 注册资金100 万元
  • 员工人数500人以上
  • 所在地址台湾 - 台湾
  • 浏览次数2538 次
  • 更新时间2022-5-11
  • 赫斯基注塑系统(上海)有限公司的公司简介
    • 赫斯基注塑系统由加拿大著名的机械制造企业赫斯基集团投资设立,是为塑料工业提供注塑设备和服务的领先供应商,设计和制造业内最全面的注塑设备系列,包括机器、模具、热流道和机械手。我们的客户遍布医疗器械、汽车零配件、微电子产品、食品等行业。公司总部位于多伦多,在加拿大、美国、卢森堡和中国设有生产基地,设有超过40个销售和技术服务办公室,以服务分布在100多个国家或地区的客户。


      我们的核心价值观——不断地追求卓越表现、远大目标、环境责任感、积极奉献, 坚定的诚实品质和尊重——同时也是我们在世界各地开展业务的基础和必须遵循的行为准则。



      Founded by Husky Injection Molding System Ltd., a renowned Canadian machinery manufacturer, Husky is one of the world's leading suppliers of injection molding equipment and services to the global plastics industry. We design and manufacture a broad range of injection molding machines, hot runners, robots, molds and integrated systems, serving customers in medical devices, auto parts, consumer electronics, and food packaging industries. Headquartered in Toronto, Husky set up its manufacturing campuses in Canada, the United States, Luxembourg, and China, with an extensive Service and Sales network consisting of more than 40 offices—including Technical Centers—supporting customers in over 100 countries.

      As the first technical and R&D center in China, Husky Shanghai Technical center was set up in 2003. Standing on more than 46,000 square meters, the facility is Husky's new operational headquarters for Asia, providing customers with leading-edge injection molding technologies and services as well as manufacturing, sales, R&D and technical service support to cover the Greater China, Southeast Asia, SAARC, Japan, Korea, Australia, New Zealand and other Asian countries.

      Our core values include: make a contribution, Proactive environmental responsibility, Passion for excellence, bold goals, Uncompromising honesty and Respect.  These values influence our corporate strategy, form the basis for our business practices worldwide and guide us as we fulfill our mission of "keeping our customers in the lead".

      We believe that people are essential to our business success, and we provide learning and development opportunities to team member to their full potential. Husky provides both technical and non-technical training programs to allow regular full-time team members to improve their skills and knowledge, both on the job and on their own time to fully stretch their potential in a flexible working environment.

      Husky is an exciting company with tremendous potential. We look for passionate people who share our values, love challenges and are driven by a desire to contribute – people who embrace the reality and demands of a highly competitive and often uncertain world. We are looking forward to your joining to make Husky an even stronger presence!

      Please send your detailed resume and salary expectation to ****** for HR Department's attention.
      请将您详细的个人履历及待遇要求以电子邮件发送至公司人力资源部收 (谢绝亲往公司或来电查询)

    • 赫斯基注塑系统(上海)有限公司的招聘职位
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    • 工作地址
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    • 月薪
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    • 温馨提示:以上赫斯基注塑系统(上海)有限公司的招聘信息来自台湾演艺人才网,电话联系时请说明是在台湾演艺人才网看到此职位信息,效果会更好!台湾演艺人才网打造台湾地区最大,最专业的台湾演艺人才网
    • 赫斯基注塑系统(上海)有限公司的联系方式
    • 1、在面试时可先在百度或者谷歌搜索一下该公司的相关信息,查看公司的基本情况,确定是否为虚假招聘信息!
    •    点击这里在百度搜索赫斯基注塑系统(上海)有限公司相关信息
    • 2、本页面的招聘信息由会员自行发布,真实性由发布人负责,但若发现招聘信息不实,请您向本站检举,我们将立即核实并处理!
    • 3、任何以招聘名义向求职者收取费用的行为都是违法的,请求职者在求职过程中勿向招聘单位交纳任何费用,包括培训费、
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    • 4、如果该公司隐藏联系方式,请注册简历后直接在线发送简历 ,系统将会自动投送您的简历!
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